Sunday, May 31, 2009

Pro-Life Enough to Shoot Up a Church

George Tiller (pictured at left), presente! The creeps that call themselves "pro-life" shot George Tiller down today at his church service. The gauntlet has been thrown down. When you see an evangelical or arch-right crazy talking of militias or reaching for guns, better slam 'em down fast. The next person they could gun down could be you. Let's hope this act of terrorism destroys the Kansas "pro-life" conservative Christian community for a long, long time to come.


Sharon said...


Loring Wirbel said...

Hi Sharon! Missed you, hope your summer is going well.

Ruth said...

Salon's Gabriel Winant article yesterday finds Bill O'Reilly culpable. And how.

Loring Wirbel said...

You can't supply the motive, target, and weapons and claim innocence. Sure, it's the individual's ultimate culpability, but encouraging vigilantism is called aiding and abetting. Thanks, Ruth!

David Loaring said...

The person that shot the abortionist is obviously not a pro-lifer: if found guilty they would be a murderer, and I would support sending them to prison for life. And I believe "Life" means "Life". I am Evangelical and also pro-life. I believe Tiller is also a murderer, a mass-murderer who apparently cut apart viable unborn babies without anaesthetic. You'd have to be a pretty hardened (and stupid) curmudgeon not to think that is pretty barbaric, at the very least. I hope you don't feel like shooting me for saying that. If Tiller operated within the law, then the law is an ass, but I think a Christian has to work to change the law, picket, lawfully protest, not murder. David Loaring

Loring Wirbel said...

Yep, David, non-violent protest is the key to change. What bothers me about the folks like Randall Terry and Bill O'Reilly is that they don't really believe in nonviolent principles - they would never do anything else, but their language encourages others. Judging by the stories of the suspect's ex-wife however, he was someone who was looking for a target for his rage - abortion just happened to be the issue coming along at the right time.

Brian Santo said...

Bill O'Reilly and Randall Terry are cancers in America, and like any cancer should be excised.

Not that I'm recommending vigilantism, because that would be wrong. But since BillO has absolved himself by saying that vigilantism is wrong, I feel that I have absolutely no responsibility whatsoever should someone do what has to be done with O'Reilly and Terry.

Brian Santo

Of course, I don't believe any of that. O'Reilly and Terry are benign cancers that don't absolutely require excision.